Scripting a Follower

I'll begin, as I generally do, with a cube. I'll color it yellow, with the top (positive Z) blue and the front (positive X) red. SL vehicles generally move in the direction of +X, and generally have their Z axis pointing up, so this is the natural place to start. We'll be extending our script... Continue Reading →

Moving a Child Prim

My friend BBoySpectre has an idea for a boat ride where people can be on the boa and can move around with their arrow keys as usual. He doesn't want them to fly off the boat as it moves, so he has in mind they'll be sitting on prims, like pose balls, that are part... Continue Reading →

Y-Face-Normal Rotation??

My sister Dizzi, as she does, came up with a new and exciting problem for me to solve. I love when this happens. Really. Well, kind of. After I solve it, if not before. And this one is about rotations, my favorite scripting foe.

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